Cisco ACI 2.2(2i) リリース

Cisco ACI のバージョン 2.2(2i) がリリースされていました。 大きな機能追加は無く、バグ修正のみのようです。

Table 1 Online History Change は以下の通りです。

Date Description
April 11, 2017 Created the release notes for the 2.2(2e) release.
April 18, 2017 Moved Known Behavior CSCvd30648 to Resolved Caveat table.
April 25, 2017 2.2(2f): 2.2(2f) became available. Added the resolved caveats for this release.
May 1, 2017 2.2(2g): Release 2.2(2g) became available; there are no changes to this document for this release.
May 5, 2017 Added CSCvd20382 to Known Behaviors.
May 16, 2017 2.2(2i): Release 2.2(2i) became available. Added resolved caveats for this release.

Resolved Caveats in the 2.2(2i) Release には以下の記載がありました。

Bug ID Description
CSCve26851 When an http request is sent to a container with a header and the value 'CONTENT-LENGTH': is empty, it must be handled.
CSCve15161 Capacity dashboard in the Cisco APIC must have VRF per leaf limit increased to 400.
CSCve41607 Cisco APIC cluster failure to delete the file might occur after you delete the application.
CSCve39804 Cisco APIC might not be responsive after an upgrade.