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Cisco ACI 5.3(1d)F リリース

2023/11/25 付けで Cisco ACI 5.3(1d)F がリリースされました。


下記は Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Release Notes, Release 5.3(1) からの抜粋です。

New Software Features


There are no new software features in this release.

New Hardware Features

このリリースから新たに APIC-M4/L4 をサポートします。 詳細は後述します。

Changes in Behavior

APIC / Switch への TELNET 接続は出来なくなったようです。

  • You can no longer use telnet to connect to the management IP address of a Cisco APIC or Cisco ACI-mode switch.


下記は Cisco Nexus 9000 ACI-Mode Switches Release Notes, Release 15.3(1) からの抜粋です。 新機能・振る舞いの変更は無いようです。

New Hardware Features


There are no new hardware features in this release.

Changes in Behavior


There are no changes in behavior in this release.

ACI 5.x 系における APIC-M4/L4 のサポートは 5.3(1) 以降

従来までの ACI 5.2 までは APIC-M3/L3 までのみをサポートし、M4/L4 をサポートしません。 今回の 5.3(1) リリースから M4/L4 をサポートします。 APIC のバージョンごとにサポートするハードウェアはリリースノートの Hardware Compatibility Information セクションに記載されています。 下記は 5.2(8) と 5.3(1) の比較です。


Product ID Description
APIC-L2 Cisco APIC with large CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (more than 1000 edge ports)
APIC-L3 Cisco APIC with large CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (more than 1200 edge ports)
APIC-M2 Cisco APIC with medium-size CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (up to 1000 edge ports)
APIC-M3 Cisco APIC with medium-size CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (up to 1200 edge ports)


Product ID Description
APIC-L2 Cisco APIC with large CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (more than 1000 edge ports)
APIC-L3 Cisco APIC with large CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (more than 1200 edge ports)
APIC-L4 Cisco APIC with large CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (more than 1200 edge ports)
APIC-M2 Cisco APIC with medium-size CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (up to 1000 edge ports)
APIC-M3 Cisco APIC with medium-size CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (up to 1200 edge ports)
APIC-M4 Cisco APIC with medium-size CPU, hard drive, and memory configurations (up to 1200 edge ports)