Cisco CML 2.8.1 リリース
Cisco CML 2.8.1 がリリースされていました。 既存環境からのアップグレード手順は CML 2.7.2 へアップグレードする にまとめてあります。
最近の CML は主に以下の 3 要素から構成されています。 Cisco SD-WAN を利用しないのであれば必ずしも Supplemental Reference Platform は必要ありません。 今回の 2.8.1 リリースタイミングでは Supplemental Reference Platform の更新はありませんが、Reference Platform は更新されています。 但し、Reference Platform の変更点は「TRex イメージの差し替え」のみです。 もし TRex イメージを利用していないのであれば、Reference Platform を更新する必要はありません。
今回の更新 | 項目 | 説明 |
有り | CML 本体 | - |
有り | Reference Platform | TRex イメージのみ、更新されている |
- | Supplemental Reference Platform | 変更無し |
各々のコンポーネントは Cisco CML 2.8.1 のダウンロードページでは下記に該当します。
CML のログイン画面¶
CML のログイン画面にバージョン情報が表示されます。
Cockpit のログイン画面¶
CML の 9090 番ポートにアクセスすると Cockpit へログイン出来ます。 このログイン画面にもバージョン情報が表示されます。
CML へログインし、画面右下 (通常は OK
と表示されている部分) をクリックするとシステムステータスが表示されます。 この部分にもバージョン情報が表示されます。
Reference Platform の変更点¶
前述の通り、Reference Platform の変更点は「TRex イメージの修正」だけです。 TRex 以外のイメージやノード定義には変更ありません。
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# find virl-base-images -type f -name "*.qcow2" -exec openssl sha512 {} \;
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-base-3-20-3/alpine-base-3-20-3.qcow2)= 54437973c465365479ca2c1eea1c44380f0048dff73c35cf5f2f19fc38df24922f05b0a0f7d9d39ff9cd2d9c144e745e5c46940e6624dfce4bd42ee39eaf0af5
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-desktop-3-20-3/alpine-desktop-3-20-3.qcow2)= 8bde99c2c359e83dc317b0e0acfad2f89dd8eb90c31f91c7783bc839db1355ae85735287e46aed4a8fc163862ee27c9a467e35c796b8611a2d923860fdfb1b88
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-trex-3-20-3/alpine-trex-3-20-3.qcow2)= e6bbaa53baab60e8f86bf708a1d10435bfb8aaea18bfd6d8c6a5fb8fbc2b57cee07cb9d2a61ddff7bcc3d53cd65192d96c072c905a42f6d5c0adf5c2604e1648
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-wanem-3-20-3/alpine-wanem-3-20-3.qcow2)= 52d4f47899cf1551a055685060ccb2379feb2adaf2e9589ac2208a3e462bf7e3f5238bfec47bf3c1971ac197d6a88847e9e5f03191db2cd38b1577946399e908
SHA512(virl-base-images/asav-9-22-1-1/asav9-22-1-1.qcow2)= 26c1010053be8c62a365a33a752900d239c33b837e5b3eb5f02b023f7feb469d7454efdb25fc6ae70e6934f93c237ca0a36825b5cb0266a9947d98a6ac56c4f2
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat8000v-17-15-01a/c8000v-universalk9_8G_serial.17.15.01a.qcow2)= df02446aa236af7c24b411719eb21fa783dc9d87e7d143898c43e32f5e95c3cf9aa3bbac12fe40825f9662d0d965f6f6828366d6dec2bd9531ae593381c33f1a
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat9000v-q200-17-15-01/cat9kv-universalk9_16G_vga.17.15.01.qcow2)= 9a29e8d244058135d132856adcdd2f922eaa3c7c7d9f1839d09c92e0360b3dd8a03ac7ad5775c40c96d92492d1e54580e162873741d829f29fc5a2b709350e13
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat9000v-uadp-17-15-01/cat9kv-universalk9_16G_vga.17.15.01.qcow2)= 9a29e8d244058135d132856adcdd2f922eaa3c7c7d9f1839d09c92e0360b3dd8a03ac7ad5775c40c96d92492d1e54580e162873741d829f29fc5a2b709350e13
SHA512(virl-base-images/csr1000v-17-03-08a/csr1000v-universalk9.17.03.08a-serial.qcow2)= 50db52ac4bdced68c43e65620a75fd5691927518270ed9bdc0fd1717ef3885a8eb0bb8ed66a7807713df8575379cd42cead56784ebd4226d119a94614886b7ad
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosvl2-2020/vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.ssa.high_iron_20200929.qcow2)= 81ae07cb928b238ba9936e8a2b918e26f0c7626a1cdee89c8f41d9ad9a9d027609d181352cdcb1b101de642a8a239eda5849be5eb6d9093a772ce8954b070fd2
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosv-159-3-m9/ b5f77de10825b8000ec7541726a23170e7ba34367e8966cecfbe96492c043fe0dbcaa207b7d53f88a0f06fcf8019b51ab9bda015e8f7e69052ef0bdf9188b357
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosxrv9000-24-3-1/xrv9k-fullk9-x-24.3.1.qcow2)= 5c64a27f6bfa5086f6da6cb0e715d2be34498fe2d2f56bfcdc4c796df026dda39928e81d9a251de33499b2ba01471ee93bfd67700e85c5730a762ef0b08f9fd2
SHA512(virl-base-images/nxosv9300-10-5-1-f/nexus9300v64.10.5.1.F.qcow2)= 83a4063d1cb18bc42ce45ff1f672777011a6e7699b0d179d32f3bf4bf9bf1f1fec40dcc142e6b1d8bbb3a5f10e57789aa77c684ff58c587fdefef5660dfdb2e8
SHA512(virl-base-images/server-tcl-15-0/tcl-15-0.qcow2)= 1e3b2c727bf41e55ea7136566849238a81cbd189451f2b2cbc41fa7cba361da6d6f1844a9097908bab7dfb0a7a0feca95edf59ccb6cea259185a6cce975ff895
# find virl-base-images -type f -name "*.qcow2" -exec openssl sha512 {} \;
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-base-3-20-3/alpine-base-3-20-3.qcow2)= 54437973c465365479ca2c1eea1c44380f0048dff73c35cf5f2f19fc38df24922f05b0a0f7d9d39ff9cd2d9c144e745e5c46940e6624dfce4bd42ee39eaf0af5
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-desktop-3-20-3/alpine-desktop-3-20-3.qcow2)= 8bde99c2c359e83dc317b0e0acfad2f89dd8eb90c31f91c7783bc839db1355ae85735287e46aed4a8fc163862ee27c9a467e35c796b8611a2d923860fdfb1b88
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-trex-3-20-3/alpine-trex-3-20-3.qcow2)= cf59637b1920e541340a4de6df254bb3627d6d29c64199d39d2be279d119b722dc6e4b89ac0bd278043730b7d6791bdb02a36ecba73c260875bff58abdc3e258
SHA512(virl-base-images/alpine-wanem-3-20-3/alpine-wanem-3-20-3.qcow2)= 52d4f47899cf1551a055685060ccb2379feb2adaf2e9589ac2208a3e462bf7e3f5238bfec47bf3c1971ac197d6a88847e9e5f03191db2cd38b1577946399e908
SHA512(virl-base-images/asav-9-22-1-1/asav9-22-1-1.qcow2)= 26c1010053be8c62a365a33a752900d239c33b837e5b3eb5f02b023f7feb469d7454efdb25fc6ae70e6934f93c237ca0a36825b5cb0266a9947d98a6ac56c4f2
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat8000v-17-15-01a/c8000v-universalk9_8G_serial.17.15.01a.qcow2)= df02446aa236af7c24b411719eb21fa783dc9d87e7d143898c43e32f5e95c3cf9aa3bbac12fe40825f9662d0d965f6f6828366d6dec2bd9531ae593381c33f1a
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat9000v-q200-17-15-01/cat9kv-universalk9_16G_vga.17.15.01.qcow2)= 9a29e8d244058135d132856adcdd2f922eaa3c7c7d9f1839d09c92e0360b3dd8a03ac7ad5775c40c96d92492d1e54580e162873741d829f29fc5a2b709350e13
SHA512(virl-base-images/cat9000v-uadp-17-15-01/cat9kv-universalk9_16G_vga.17.15.01.qcow2)= 9a29e8d244058135d132856adcdd2f922eaa3c7c7d9f1839d09c92e0360b3dd8a03ac7ad5775c40c96d92492d1e54580e162873741d829f29fc5a2b709350e13
SHA512(virl-base-images/csr1000v-17-03-08a/csr1000v-universalk9.17.03.08a-serial.qcow2)= 50db52ac4bdced68c43e65620a75fd5691927518270ed9bdc0fd1717ef3885a8eb0bb8ed66a7807713df8575379cd42cead56784ebd4226d119a94614886b7ad
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosvl2-2020/vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.ssa.high_iron_20200929.qcow2)= 81ae07cb928b238ba9936e8a2b918e26f0c7626a1cdee89c8f41d9ad9a9d027609d181352cdcb1b101de642a8a239eda5849be5eb6d9093a772ce8954b070fd2
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosv-159-3-m9/ b5f77de10825b8000ec7541726a23170e7ba34367e8966cecfbe96492c043fe0dbcaa207b7d53f88a0f06fcf8019b51ab9bda015e8f7e69052ef0bdf9188b357
SHA512(virl-base-images/iosxrv9000-24-3-1/xrv9k-fullk9-x-24.3.1.qcow2)= 5c64a27f6bfa5086f6da6cb0e715d2be34498fe2d2f56bfcdc4c796df026dda39928e81d9a251de33499b2ba01471ee93bfd67700e85c5730a762ef0b08f9fd2
SHA512(virl-base-images/nxosv9300-10-5-1-f/nexus9300v64.10.5.1.F.qcow2)= 83a4063d1cb18bc42ce45ff1f672777011a6e7699b0d179d32f3bf4bf9bf1f1fec40dcc142e6b1d8bbb3a5f10e57789aa77c684ff58c587fdefef5660dfdb2e8
SHA512(virl-base-images/server-tcl-15-0/tcl-15-0.qcow2)= 1e3b2c727bf41e55ea7136566849238a81cbd189451f2b2cbc41fa7cba361da6d6f1844a9097908bab7dfb0a7a0feca95edf59ccb6cea259185a6cce975ff895
2.8.1 での修正内容¶
バージョン 2.8.1 で修正された問題の一覧は Bug Fixes に記載されています。
Bug Description | Resolution |
The TREX node will not allow you to create a new stream. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug in the trex image that returned the error, Scapy server connection required, when you tried to create a new stream in the TREX stateless GUI. A new fixed trex image is available in refplat-20241223-fcs.iso |
The breakout tool may get stuck and not respond. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that caused the breakout tool to crash whenever a telnet connection to a lab node's serial console was closed. |
The Workbench may respond very slowly or even appear to hang when viewing some labs with smart annotations. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug in computing the shape of a smart annotation in CML 2.8.0 that could cause the UI to respond very slowly in some cases. |
CML 2.8.0 cannot be deployed in AWS or Azure. | Fixed in 2.8.1. The scripts in cloud-cml repository do support CML 2.8 now. |
The migration script does not work with CML 2.8.0. | Fixed in 2.8.1. The migration script to copy a CML 2.8 instance to another CML 2.8 instance is fixed now. The migration from CML 2.2.3 to CML 2.8.0 is not and will not be supported as out of scope. You need to migrate to CML 2.7.2 first before upgrading/migrating to CML 2.8. |
The default CML page in Cockpit on the CML controller shows limited set of options. | Fixed in 2.8.1. There was a chance that a CML installation ends with invalid values configured in the CML configuration file (/etc/default/virl2). If RUN_CONTROLLER setting was misconfigured, the default CML page in Cockpit on the CML controller showed the limited set of options for compute instead of controller. |
The Workbench UI is locked after adding tags to multiple nodes in CML 2.8.0. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that could cause the Workbench UI to break down when updating tags on multiple nodes at once. |
An error is displayed on the CML login page in CML 2.8.0. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed an annoying, but harmless error on the CML login page. |
Annotations cannot be cloned in CML 2.8.0. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that prevent users from cloning regular annotations in the Workbench. |
Upgrade process for offline users is unnecessarily complex. | Fixed in 2.8.1. The upgrade process was changed for users running CML in offline/air-gapped environments who must now use both PKG and ISO for upgrading their systems. |
A PATty mapping on an external connector node fails the service. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed an issue in patty which caused service failure whenever a node is configured for patty port forwarding that has no serial consoles, like External Connector or Unmanaged Switch. Fixed node definitions API and UI to only allow the correct zero to four serial consoles. Fixed boot monitor to handle VM nodes with no serial consoles. |
Changes to an annotation are not stored when a new annotation is created. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a few minor annotation bugs in UI including most significant issue causing annotation changes not to save when a new annotation is created immediately after changes are done to another annotation. |
Custom but not correctly ordered certificates are not correctly migrated on upgrade. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was not properly migrating cockpit certificates during upgrades. The upgrade now correctly migrates the cockpit certificate containing the private key at the beginning or the end. The public certificate chain still needs to start with a public certificate optionally followed by intermediate and root CA certificates. |
Click on Apply doesn't show the node parameters configured from node definition. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was causing node parameters not to load properly when no custom node parameters are present, i.e., after node parameters have been updated in a node definition. |
Closing VNC tab doesn't close websocket. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was causing a websocket connection when closing a VNC session. The websocket connection is now properly closed also when the VNC session is closed, not just when navigating to the Dashboard. |
ANK doesn't work after restoring the config functionality. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that prevented the bootstrap configuration tool from working when a node configuration was restored from a node definition's config. |
Notifications for bootstrap aren't shown. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was hiding notifications in Workbench UI for the bootstrap action. |
LDAP test dialog is not reset in some cases. | Fixed in 2.8.1. A few minor changes to the LDAP authentication test dialog were done. A bug was fixed that was causing user provided data in the form to be kept. The user provided data are now reset as expected. The user and group data are now each on a single tab. |
Display the original error when failing to define a node. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Improved the error notification in UI to provide more details about the failure when a node fails to launch. |
Break event content to fit the window. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Event content displayed in CML UI is now broken to fit the screen resolution. |
The username and password edit fields present in the login page do not have autocomplete attribute defined. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Defined auto-complete attributes on the CML UI login page to allow users load and use their stored credentials automatically. |
Temporary files are not cleaned if compute registration fails. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was not cleaning temporary files when computes failed to register. This only happened after ownership of certain directories was unexpectedly manually changed. |
Tables' columns are restored to default values after reloading. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Fixed a bug that was causing custom column settings of tables in UI to be reset after reload. |
There's unnecessary empty space between footer and labs in the list view on Dashboard. | Fixed in 2.8.1. Removed unexpected blank space between labs and footer in the list view of dashboard. |
Unable to import CML 2.7.2 OVA into VMware Workstation Player 17 | Fixed an issue that prevented OVA imports in obsolete and unsupported VMWare Workstation Player. |
Unable to delete an image definition when multiple image definitions are using the same image | Fixed a bug that prevented users from deleting an image definition if the source image of the image definition was already present in the dropfolder. Now the source image is removed, instead. |
Unable to upload the same image twice | Corrected the message of an error raised when uploading the same file twice (still do not replace the existing file and require users to delete such file manually first). |
Excluded columns are still considered in search result in UI | Fixed a bug in UI tables that included excluded columns in search results. |
LVM maximize script fails when there's no disk to resize | Modified LVM Maximize feature to not report failures when there's no disk to be expanded. |
Multi-select on annotations still shows handles | Fixed a few small rather cosmetic bugs of annotation handles. |
LICENSE_INFO event sometimes does not report product_configuration | Fixed a bug that loaded product version late in the process. Now, it's loaded immediately on CML controller initialization. |
Breakout Utility config file saves domain password in clear text | Fixed a bug that caused the breakout tool to require a password to be present on initialization. The password is still required and should be set via an environment variable, but if not set, the breakout tool will show a proper warning. |
The algorithm to compute free space is not correct | Fix a bug in the algorithm that calculates used disk space. The reserved root space (5%) was not included by the algorithm leading into invalid amount of used or free space being displayed to users. |
Accessing computes through controller cockpit dashboard is blocked when different passwords are used during installation | Fixed a bug that prevented a system administrator from orchestrating cluster members via controller's cockpit dashboard. |
'Non-existent' text gets appended every time a user hits Enter key for ext-conn node. | Fixed 'Non-existent' text gets appended every time user hits Enter key for ext-conn node. |
Diagnostics -> Cluster status resolution is improper | Fixed partially hidden tables on diagnostics page for screens with a smaller resolution. |
Bulk addition of nodes does not avoid node name conflicts | Fixed a bug in the bulk node addition feature. The feature incorrectly tried to add existing nodes and failed. Now, it correctly skips existing nodes. |
The option to select a number of packets to display does not show an option to select all packets | Fixed displaying '-1' instead of 'All' in pagination options for packet capture table. |
VNC sessions are not rendered after reopening PANES | Fixed missing VNC sessions after closing and reopening PANES with active VNC tabs. |
Server returns unfriendly errors when the disk is full and starting IOL nodes | Added a wrapper around execution of system commands on computes to prevent raising of unhandled exceptions. Users should no longer get lengthy error messages. |
Workbench does not handle deleted lab events | Fixed the missing "Lab not found" dialog if the opened topology was deleted by someone else. |
Annotation changes are not available in preview when using CML logo for navigation | Fixed the preview in Dashboard to show recent annotation changes after using CML logo for navigation to Dashboard. |
Topology preview in list mode is not displayed correctly | Fixed an invalid resolution of the preview in the list mode. |
Inline edit of resource pool properties is broken | Fixed a broken inline edit for resource pool name and description. |
The new copy-refplat script does not work with older refplats | Fixed an issue where Cockpit copy refplat ISO command failed to open the ISO device in exclusive mode in case it was mounted somewhere already |
Bridge0 gets an unexpected IP from virbr0's subnet | Fixed a bug in Ubuntu where server interfaces including bridge0 may get IP addresses assigned from libvirt DHCP networks; such DHCP servers are now explicitly configured to ignore their host's requests. |
NXOS9kv cannot be started in Ubuntu 24.04 | The way Nexus9000v UEFI boot is configured changed to a 'stateless' mode to work around a bug in libvirt on Ubuntu. The change to existing lab nodes is made automatically on upgrade. |
PCAP sessions in Workbench UI do not display previously captured frames when switching pages | Fixed an issue in UI that hid already displayed packets when changing between sessions. Now, when a PCAP session is accessed all packets are always reloaded. |