IOS-XE で DHCPv6 を設定する
IOS-XE で動作する IOL を使い、DHCPv6 を構成したコンフィグ例などをメモしておきます。
DHCPv6 Stateless |
DHCPv6 Stateful |
ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6-POOL
dns-server 2001:1111:1111:1111::A
interface Ethernet0/1
no ip address
ipv6 address 2001:1111:1111:1111::1/64
ipv6 nd other-config-flag
ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-POOL
no shutdown
ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6-POOL
address prefix 2001:1111:1111:1111::/64
dns-server 2001:1111:1111:1111::A
interface Ethernet0/1
no ip address
ipv6 address 2001:1111:1111:1111::1/64
ipv6 nd prefix 2001:1111:1111:1111::/64 no-autoconfig
ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-POOL
no shutdown
DHCPv6 Stateless |
DHCPv6 Stateful |
ipv6 unicast-routing
interface Ethernet0/1
no ip address
ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 enable
no shutdown
ipv6 unicast-routing
interface Ethernet0/1
no ip address
ipv6 address dhcp
ipv6 enable
no shutdown
show コマンド確認
show ipv6 dhcp binding
DHCPv6 Stateless |
DHCPv6 Stateful |
iol-server# show ipv6 dhcp binding
iol-server# show ipv6 dhcp binding
Client: FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:A10
DUID: 00030001AABBCC000A00
Username : unassigned
VRF : default
IA NA: IA ID 0x00030001, T1 43200, T2 69120
Address: 2001:1111:1111:1111:FCA9:C63F:B29B:E1C9
preferred lifetime 86400, valid lifetime 172800
expires at Aug 24 2024 03:46 PM (172762 seconds)
show ipv6 dhcp pool
DHCPv6 Stateless |
DHCPv6 Stateful |
iol-server# show ipv6 dhcp pool
DHCPv6 pool: IPV6-POOL
DNS server: 2001:1111:1111:1111::A
Domain name:
Active clients: 0
iol-server# show ipv6 dhcp pool
DHCPv6 pool: IPV6-POOL
Address allocation prefix: 2001:1111:1111:1111::/64 valid 172800 preferred 86400 (1 in use, 0 conflicts)
DNS server: 2001:1111:1111:1111::A
Domain name:
Active clients: 1
show ipv6 interface
DHCPv6 Stateless |
DHCPv6 Stateful |
iol-client# show ipv6 interface Ethernet0/1
Ethernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:810
No Virtual link-local address(es):
Stateless address autoconfig enabled
Global unicast address(es):
2001:1111:1111:1111:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:810, subnet is 2001:1111:1111:1111::/64 [EUI/CAL/PRE]
valid lifetime 2591849 preferred lifetime 604649
Joined group address(es):
MTU is 1500 bytes
ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
ICMP redirects are enabled
ICMP unreachables are sent
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
ND advertised reachable time is 0 (unspecified)
ND advertised retransmit interval is 0 (unspecified)
ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
ND router advertisements live for 1800 seconds
ND advertised default router preference is Medium
Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses.
iol-client# show ipv6 interface Ethernet0/1
Ethernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:A10
No Virtual link-local address(es):
Global unicast address(es):
2001:1111:1111:1111:FCA9:C63F:B29B:E1C9, subnet is 2001:1111:1111:1111:FCA9:C63F:B29B:E1C9/128
Joined group address(es):
MTU is 1500 bytes
ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
ICMP redirects are enabled
ICMP unreachables are sent
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
ND advertised reachable time is 0 (unspecified)
ND advertised retransmit interval is 0 (unspecified)
ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
ND router advertisements live for 1800 seconds
ND advertised default router preference is Medium
Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses.